LING10 Instructor (Expat)
We are looking for an instructor(Expat) who can teach LING 10 (Introduction to Language). Candidate must hold a Masters or Ph.D. degree from a reputable university or have extensive ESL-teaching experience and also have to be in Yangon as the course will be teaching in person. The course is oered in International Studies Program in General Education program at the American University of Yangon. Responsibilities of the instructor include, but are not limited to, course planning, student advising, interacting with students outside of class, and holding oce hours. The course will be oered in January 10, 2022 to March, 2022.
Course Description
This introduction to language, including its nature, structure, use, history, and acquisition has the goal of imparting an understanding of the importance of language in human aairs (including social and cultural functions) and an appreciation of its complexity and diversity. Although English is the focal language, a comparative approach will be taken.
About American University of Yangon
At the American University of Yangon (formerly known as Connect Institute), we operate as a social enterprise with the intention of participating in the development of education in Myanmar. Our American Transfer Program offers students an opportunity to earn certifiable course credits for a U.S. undergraduate degree right here in Myanmar. The first and second years of study take place in Yangon and are composed of a broad range of General Education courses required by and transferrable to all of our U.S. Partner Universities. Upon completion of the two years' courses in Yangon, students choose their majors and finish their third and fourth years of study in the U.S. Our courses are recognized and endorsed by our partner U.S. universities under the “International Studies Program” agreement, and the course credits comply with the U.S. educational standards.
Beyond providing students with the knowledge and skills they need to thrive under the rigorous educational standards of U.S. universities, we create a lively environment for students to develop their extracurricular interests and leadership skills. With opportunities for scholarship and nancial aid, we seek to promote diversity in the classroom and encourage all Myanmar students to strive for success.
Please send your CV and Resume to the following email addresses. Selected candidates will be informed before Dec 19. Email Address:, Visit to learn more about American University of Yangon and our programs. We look forward to hearing from you soon!